Missed Call Alerts (VN)
Active Inbound from Teleproject UK has the option for Missed Call Alerts Emails are triggered when a call is not answered and no voicemail message is taken.

Missed call emails can be set to send to an individual email address or an email group.
Selecting one of these options will activate either the ‘Email Groups’ box or the ‘Email Address’ box. Enter relevant details in your chosen box.
You can also choose to turn missed call emails off by selecting No Alert Required.
Text Alerts
Text alerts can be configured so that missed call alerts can be sent to certain mobile numbers. Press the Configure button adjacent to ‘Text Alerts’ to set this service up.
If the ‘Configure’ button is greyed out, a keyword will need to be set up on the account before this service is available. Please contact us for help with this.

Once you have entered a mobile number and description, press Add New Number. Text alerts for missed calls will now be sent to this number.